Start an administrator's CMD and navigate to 'C: Program Files Oracle VirtualBox ', and execute the following command (Replacing 'Your VM' with your Virtual Machine's name, and System Serial with your hardware's, like 'CDN29326BH', any other code may also work): C: Program Files Oracle VirtualBox>VBoxManage setextradata 'Your VM'VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial'System Serial'. Preparation for Installing DiagBox 8.01 on VirtualBox - Having installed 32 bit Windows + VirtualBox Guest Additions +.NET 3.51 and VC++ 2008 Redistributable Package, you can use the Powershell command 'Get-WMIObject win32_BIOS' or the 'DMIdecode' tool to obtain BIOS information. DiagBox installs without issues on VMware Workstation and Player, but the below preparation is needed for DiagBox 7.62+ and V8.xx. Download and Install 'VC++ 2008 Redistributable Package', a copy is available here 'C: teleassistance visualC vcredist_x86.exe' after installing DiagBox. Starting with an installed (32 bit) Windows XP Pro SP3, '.NET 3.5 SP1' (I had FireFox and 7Zip also installed). Notice - Links for DiagBox 8.01, DiagBox updates and 'AWRoot_v7_Conf+Ativation_v8.exe' are in the attachment.